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  • Lymphedema | 安德森整形外科診所

    Say Goodbye to Compression Garments after Dr. Cheng's Lymphedema Microsurgery 1 DR. CHENG The Journey of Dr.Cheng Dr. Cheng's Team Publications Presentations Visiting Professorships Awards News 2 PROCEDURES What is Lymphedema Upper Extremity Lymphedema What is Lymphedema of The Legs? Primary Lymphedema Diagnosis of Lymphedema Advanced Diagnostic Technology WSLS 2024 3 CENTER Treatment Comparison Chart Am I A Candidate? Lymphovenous Anatomosis Vascularized Lymph Node Flap Transfer Cheng Lymphedema Grading Systems Lymphedema FAQ Video 4 GALLERY Treatment of Mild to Moderate Lymphedema Treatment of Moderate to Severe Lymphede Testimonials(Video & Letters) Post-Operative Care 5 PATIENT INFORMATION Make an Appointment Accommodation Information Travel Information Patient Rights About Lymphedema Microsurgery Dr. Cheng has been practicing Lymphedema microsurgery since 2000. He has invented some of the most advanced and effective surgical techniques to treat lymphedema. His ground-breaking innovation of vascularized submental lymph node (VSLN) and vascularized groin lymph node (VGLN) flap transfer to distal recipient site creates a physiologic drainage conduit to alter excess lymphatic fluid buildup and minimize the lymphedema associated side effects of tissue fibrosis and cellulitis. Dr. Cheng's lymphedema microsurgery outcomes show statistically significant circumferential reduction rates of affected limb circumference and impressive decreases in the episodes of cellulitis on the lymphedematous limb. His practice is the first in the world to immediately release patients from wearing compression garments postoperatively. Meet Dr. Cheng Ming-Huei Cheng MD, MBA, FACS, is a board certified plastic surgeon specialized in reconstructive microsurgery. Dr. Ming-Huei Cheng is listed among the most sought-after surgeons in the reconstructive microsurgery field. He has performed more than 2,000 microsurgical cases, including arm and leg reconstructions, head and neck reconstructions, breast reconstructions, extracranial-intracranial arterial bypasses, lymphovenous anastomosis and vascularized lymph node flap transfers. He finished a combined microsurgical and research fellow at Department of Plastic Surgery, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas in 1999. He is a member of the American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery since 2003, a fellow of the American College of Surgeons since 2009, an international member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons since 2012 and became an Adjunct Professor of the Department of Plastic Surgery at University of Michigan, USA in 2017. Learn more Dr. Cheng is Affiliated With 鄭教授淋巴水腫顯微外科手術學術里程碑 Dr.Cheng’s Academic Journey for Lymphedema Microsurgery 出處:取自《乳癌奇蹟治癒》方舟出版社 News Sep 26 Gratitude from Canada — A Patient's Kindness Warms Our Hearts Sep 25 Congratulations to Dr. Cheng for being recognized among the top 2% of scientists worldwide! Apr 24 The 10th World Symposium for Lymphedema Surgery (WSLS) was successfully concluded 1 2 3 4

  • Cosmetic | 安德森整形外科診所

    醫學美容 Our service 01 乳房美學 02 眼型美化 03 臉部美容 隆乳 縮乳 / 提乳 男性女乳症 雙眼皮 & 眼型手術 眼袋 / 淚溝 / 黑眼圈 鳳凰電波 除斑淨膚 除痣 / 病毒疣 乳頭整形 04 精緻體雕 05 凍齡科技 威塑抽脂 外泌體

  • 乳房重建整形外科 | 淋巴水腫治療世界權威 | 鄭明輝院長 - 安德森整形外科診所 | 台北市松山區

    25年的手術經驗 跨足 淋巴水腫・乳房重建・醫學美容 三大領域的權威 鄭明輝教授是一位經過國際認證的整形外科醫生,專長為顯微重建手術,被列為全球顯微重建外科領域最受歡迎的整形外科醫生之一。迄今已經完成2500多個顯微手術病例,包括頭頸部重建、乳房重建、顱內外動脈血管旁接手術、淋巴管靜脈吻合術和淋巴結皮瓣移植。 鄭教授在1997年完成林口長庚紀念醫院整形外科住院醫師6年的訓練,並升任整形外科主治醫師,於1998年在德州休斯頓的MD安德森癌症中心整形外科完成顯微外科研究員的訓練。西元2003年成為美國重建顯微外科學會會員,2009年起成為美國外科學院院士,2017年獲邀為密西根大學整形外科兼任教授後,每年於美國密西根大學進行示範解剖教學,並演講指導學生。 恭喜鄭明輝院長登上 全球前2%科學家榮耀 了解更多 為什麼要選擇安德森? 01. 由國際顯微整形外科權威 (前林口長庚醫院院長)領軍 02. 25年治療經驗,全球800萬排名前2%頂尖醫師科學家 03. 醫療團隊皆有專業執照 全程麻醉專科醫師麻醉監控 04. 精細的醫學診斷 量身定製專業諮詢服務 05. 24小時專業護理師團隊照護獨立病房,溫馨舒適 醫學中心規格的設備與服務 淋巴水腫 L ymphedema surgery 院長親自執刀、以全台僅4台的Mitaka顯微鏡進行手術 ,術後無需穿著壓力套 乳房重建 Breast reconstruction "自然波動感"獨家技術,堅持以「乳房重建」最高醫療規格做隆乳 醫學美容 Beauty treatments 提供雙眼皮手術、除皺拉提、抽脂身材雕塑等各項美容美體服務 ——— 美容醫學再進化 不只是凍齡,更要逆齡 國際顯微整形外科權威團隊, 結合美學、醫學科技 帶您重塑自我,美麗蛻變 熱門商品 ——— 客製化量身打造 自然、隱痕、安全 複合式微整形 + 全身精緻體雕 從此拍照免修圖,素顏見人不用怕 來到安德森,就像家一樣安心 門診時間 鄭明輝 院長 週二、週四及週五 下午13:30-16:00 杜隆成 主任醫師 週一 下午14:00-17:00 張豫苓 主任醫師 週三 下午12:00-15:00 塗昭江 主任醫師 週五 上午09:00-12:00

  • What is Lymphedema | 安德森整形外科診所

    What is the Lymphatic System? As part of the immune system, the lymphatic system helps the body activate a specific immune response against viruses and bacteria. It retains fluid homeostasis in all different compartments of the body. It is made by channels called lymphatic vessels. These collect lymph from all over the body and deliver lymph to the regional lymph nodes or thoracic ducts and then back to the cardiovascular system. 淋巴水腫的原因是什麼? 當您的淋巴系統無法正確排除淋巴液時,就會發生淋巴水腫。除了原發性(先天性)淋巴水腫外,繼發性淋巴水腫更常見,多數是由疾病或其他治療引起的。 繼發淋巴水腫是接受淋巴結切除後常見的併發症,通常是在癌症手術治療及放射線治療後發生,另外,淋巴水腫也可能是由於感染引起的淋巴結損傷所致。如果淋巴系統阻塞,則淋巴液將不易排出,導致液體堆積在手臂和腿部。 What is Lymph fluid? Lymph is a colorless protein-rich fluid that physiologically collects waste products and pathogens. It is present in tissue and transported through the lymphatic system to regional lymph-nodes. The venous flow carries 90% of arterial blood back to the heart and the remaining 10% becomes lymph fluid in the interstitial. Peripheral lymph nodes drain approximately 4-8 liters of lymph fluid per day. The lymphocytes (infection-fighting cells) that reside in the lymph nodes activate a specific immune response against infection. What are Lymph Nodes? Lymph nodes are bean-shaped organs of the lymphatic system that are distributed widely throughout the body. They are composed by lymphoid tissue enclosed by a capsule of connective tissue. Lymph nodes are major sites of B cells, T cells, and other immune cells. They serve as filters for the blood and provide specialized tissues where foreign antigens and cancer cells can be trapped and exposed to cells of the immune system for destruction. They are typically found concentrated near junctions of the major lymphatic vessels and most prominently found in the neck, groin, and armpits. Why is the lymphatic system important? The lymphatic system has two important roles: activating the immune response against antigens and transporting lymph fluid. Both functions are important to preserve body homeostasis. When the lymphatic system is compromised by cancer, infections, surgery, trauma, or congenital issues, the affected part of the body is prone to swelling (lymphedema) and recurrent infection due to the faulty surveillance mechanism. The functions of the lymphatic circulation include prevention and resolution of edema, maintenance of interstitial fluid homeostasis, immune trafficking (the regulated transit of antigen-presenting cells to the lymphoid organs), and lipid absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. Recipient Site of Vascularized Lymph Notes Transfer I.Wrist, dorsal or volar II. Elbow III. Axilla IV. Groin V. Posterior proximal leg VI. Ankle, anterior or medial Pathophysiology of Lymphedema i. Lymph accumulation ii. Inflamation iii. Infection iv. Fat proliferation v. Fibrosis Donor Vascularized Lymph Notes 1. Submental 2. Supraclavicular 3. Thoracic 4. Groin 5. Omentum 6. Mesenteric 此圖右側肢體正常,左側為上肢及下肢淋巴水腫。 可使用的治療方法如:淋巴管靜脈吻合術或顯微淋巴結皮瓣移植。 淋巴循環的流程圖 說明生理和非生理性手術方法對淋巴系統的治療

  • About Dr. Cheng | 安德森整形外科診所

    鄭明輝 院長 乳房重建及淋巴水腫權威 亞洲第一位引進及執行自體組織乳房重建技術 全球乳癌相關診斷分級、顯微手術發明者 世界排名前2%頂尖科學家、知名整形外科聖手 乳房重建手術就像移花接木,雖然手術繁瑣,但看到患者術後人生由黑白變彩色,成就感難以言喻。 -鄭明輝院長 認識鄭明輝院長:淋巴水腫領域 接受鄭教授的淋巴水腫顯微手術後,完全不需再穿戴壓力衣鄭明輝教授是經過國際專業認可的整形外科專科醫師,同時也是美國重建顯微外科學會2006年Godina獎得主,是第一位亞洲整形外科醫師得獎者。截至目前為止,鄭教授已經完成了2100多例顯微手術,包括頭頸部重建,乳房重建,顱內外動脈血管吻合手術,淋巴管靜脈吻合術和顯微淋巴結皮瓣移植手術。 接受鄭教授的淋巴水腫顯微手術後,完全不需再穿戴壓力衣鄭明輝教授是經過國際專業認可的整形外科專科醫師,同時也是美國重建顯微外科學會2006年Godina獎得主,是第一位亞洲整形外科醫師得獎者。截至目前為止,鄭教授已經完成了2100多例顯微手術,包括頭頸部重建,乳房重建,顱內外動脈血管吻合手術,淋巴管靜脈吻合術和顯微淋巴結皮瓣移植手術。 認識鄭明輝院長:乳房重建領域 國內每年約新增16,000名乳癌患者,乳房切除後重建比率卻不到5%,鄭明輝院長20多年前投入內視鏡乳房重建領域,至今已幫助超過1000多名失去乳房的女性重建乳房、找回自信。乳房重建手術就像「移花接木」,雖然手術繁瑣,但看到患者術後人生從黑白變彩色,成就感難以言喻。 1998年,受時任長庚大學醫學院長魏福全教授指派,到美國安德森癌症中心專研乳房重建,行前還叮嚀:「務必成為亞洲頂尖的乳房重建權威!」經過1年2個月的研習帶回許多新觀念、技術,不負期待,更首創獨步全球的「深下腹動脈穿通枝皮瓣術」,拿取患者的腹部脂肪用於乳房重建,改善傳統鹽水袋重建乳房的異物感,還有豐胸、對稱的效果,這項創新手術已發表在國際權威期刊《整形與重建外科手術》上。

  • Contact us | 安德森整形外科診所

    Let's Connect 聯繫我們 為維護良好的醫療品質與看診舒適,本院採 預約制 ,您可先以電話、 電子郵件、LINE或填寫線上表單等方式預約,我們會盡快與您聯繫! 營業時間:週一至週五 AM08:00 至 PM 18:00,六日公休 Address 台北市松山區復興北路337號3樓 (捷運中山國中站) 點此看路線 Phone (+886) 02-2712-3373 撥打電話 (+886) 0966-523-737 撥打電話 Email Social Media 專人服務(報名/諮詢) 您的姓名 性別 * 男 女 其他 Email 居住地 * 台灣 海外 電話 方便聯絡時段 選擇一個時段 其他 Send 預約成功!

  • The Journey of Dr.Cheng | 安德森整形外科診所

    The Journey of Dr. Cheng Say Goodbye to Compression Garments after Dr. Cheng's Lymphedema Microsurgery Ming-Huei Cheng, M.D., M.B.A., F.A.C.S. November 27, 2024 Degree, Position, and Societies Dr. Ming-Huei Cheng completed his General Surgery and Plastic Surgery residency training at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, in 1997 and finished a combined microsurgical and research fellowship at the Department of Plastic Surgery, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, in 1999. He has been a member of the American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery since 2003 and an international member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons since 2009. He was promoted to a Full Professor at the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, in 2011. He has been an adjunct professor at the Division of Plastic Surgery at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI., since 2017. He retired from Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and established his private clinic, A+ Surgery Clinic, specializing in lymphedema microsurgery and microsurgical breast reconstruction in Taipei in April 2023 ( ). He was appointed Vice President of the World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery in August 2023. Clinical Works Dr. Cheng initiated his distinguished career in reconstructive microsurgery, specializing initially in extremity and head and neck reconstruction, later expanding to breast reconstruction and lymphedema microsurgery. Globally recognized, he is a highly sought-after figure in reconstructive microsurgery. With a portfolio exceeding 2,600 microsurgical cases, Dr. Cheng has demonstrated unparalleled expertise in head and neck reconstructions, right hepatic artery anastomoses for living-donor liver transplantation, breast reconstructions, extracranial-intracranial bypasses, and lymphovenous bypasses (98.5% patency rate). His proficiency in vascularized lymph node transfer also boasts an impressive 98% success rate. Since 2000, Dr. Cheng has pioneered innovative techniques, such as distal recipient site utilization for vascularized lymph node flap transfer and the groundbreaking vascularized submental lymph node flap transfer for extremity lymphedema. His clinical research on the mechanisms of vascularized lymph node transfer has led to the development of a new severity classification for Lymphedema Grading in Annals Surgical Oncology (2015) and a novel Taiwan Lymphoscintigraphy Staging system in Annals of Surgery (2018). Dr. Cheng's unique and innovative techniques stand as some of the most effective treatments for lymphedema. Research, Publications, and Patents Dr. Cheng's impactful research career includes 22 projects from the Ministry of Science and Technology, 39 projects from Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, and leadership at the Center for Tissue Engineering since 2014. His extensive publications comprise 270 peer-reviewed papers and 42 book chapters, including the chapter "Lymphedema: Diagnosis and Treatment" in "Grabb and Smith’s Plastic Surgery 8th edition" (Wolters Kluwer, 2020). He is one of the Editors-in-Chief of the textbook “Principles and Practice of Lymphedema Surgery”, first, second, and Spanish editions. Dr. Cheng's scholarly impact is reflected in 12,467 citations, an h-index of 59, and an i10-index of 195 on Google Scholar as of November 27, 2024 ( His inventive contributions extend to 17 intellectual patents in Taiwan and three in the United States. Teaching, Visiting Professorships, and Editor of Peer-Review Journals Dr. Cheng, a preeminent expert in international reconstructive microsurgery, is frequently invited to prestigious conferences for lectures and panels. Hosting annual microsurgery courses since 2010 and the super microsurgery course since 2017, he has trained 107 residents and 126 international fellows, receiving 1026 international visitors in the past 26 years. Noteworthy successes include mentees who, under his guidance, have become professors, employing advanced techniques like vascularized lymph node transfer for breast cancer-related lymphedema. Dr. Cheng's influence extends globally through 32 visiting professorships at renowned institutes, including Harvard Medical School and Mayo Clinic. He plays pivotal roles as Reconstruction Section Editor at the Annals of Surgical Oncology and co-Section (Reconstruction) Editor at the Journal of Surgical Oncology. Additionally, he has served as an editor for journals like Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open, Microsurgery, and Annals of Plastic Surgery. Dr. Cheng's ongoing contributions actively shape and disseminate knowledge in reconstructive surgery. Host International Conferences Dr. Cheng has been a driving force in fostering collaboration between the Taiwan Society of Plastic Surgery (TSPS) and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). His visionary approach aims to provide learning opportunities for junior doctors and surgeons in Taiwan while connecting them with the global medical society through an alliance with ASPS. In 2009, he initiated and hosted the inaugural Asian Symposium for Breast Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, advocating for breast reconstruction and facilitating the exchange of advanced surgical techniques and knowledge for treating breast cancer patients in Asian countries. This impactful conference has been held consecutively for 11 years. Additionally, Dr. Cheng hosted and co-chaired the World Symposium on Lymphedema Surgery in 2013, 2016, 2019 and 2024. This annual gathering brings together the world's foremost lymphedema experts, providing a platform to present their expertise and discuss various surgical procedures and challenges in treating lymphedema. Websites and Patient Support Group In 2001, Dr. Cheng initiated the breast reconstruction website , dedicated to educating the public on breast cancer and reconstruction. The following year, he founded the inaugural Taiwan Breast Reconstruction Patient Support Group, contributing to breast cancer awareness in Taiwan and neighboring Asian countries. Collaborating with Avon Company, he organized annual fundraising events, offering financial aid to over 450 patients undergoing breast reconstruction. In 2019, Dr. Cheng launched the lymphedema website, attracting over 300,000 visits and sharing the latest microsurgical techniques, results, and research on lymphedema diagnosis and treatments. His continued commitment to patient support expanded in 2023 with the launch of the Plastic and Recontructive Surgery website for the A+ Surgery Clinic’s official website. Awards and Honors Dr. Cheng's notable recognitions include the 2006 Godina Travel Fellow of the American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery and the 2008 Outstanding Alumnus of Chung Shun Medical University. He received the Distinguished Alumni Award from Chang Gung University in 2013 and was named the Zamboni Visiting Professor by the American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery in 2016. Notable awards include the First Place Award at the National Innovation Competition 2019 and a Silver Medal at the Symbol of National Quality Competition in 2020 for his Center of Lymphedema team. Dr. Cheng's global impact is highlighted by his consistent top 2% ranking among 8 million scientists continuous for 5 years, from 2020 to 2024, as recognized by Stanford University, Elsevier, and SciTech Strategies. In 2022, he received the 15th Annual (100th Anniversary) Distinguished Alumni Award from Tainan First High School. International Invited Lectures Invited Panelist and Moderator Instructional Courses Vascularized groin lymph node transfer using the wrist as a recipient site for the management of postmastectomy upper extremity lymphedema. The third conference, Group for Advance Breast Reconstruction surgeons. Beijing, China, October 12, 2008. The osteomyocutaneous peroneal artery combined flap for reconstruction of composite and en bloc mandibular defects. First combined meeting of American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery and Chinese Society of Microsurgery, Shanghai, China. Vascularized groin lymph node transfer using the wrist as a recipient site for the management of postmastectomy upper extremity lymphedema. Institute of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, New York University Langone Medical Center, New York, October 28, 2008. The osteomyocutaneous peroneal artery combined flap for reconstruction of composite and en bloc mandibular defects. Division of Plastic Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, October 30, 2008. Vascularized groin lymph node transfer using the wrist as a recipient site for the management of postmastectomy upper extremity lymphedema. Division of Plastic Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, October 31, 2008. The osteomyocutaneous peroneal artery combined flap for reconstruction of composite and en bloc mandibular defects. Cross-Strait symposium of new advancement in oral cancer management and reconstruction. Xiamen, China, December 13-14, 2008. Recent Advances for breast reconstruction in Taiwan. The Cross Strait Conference on Breast Cancer Treatment Consensus, Xiamen, China, May 16, 2009. Salvage strategy for venous compromised DIEP flaps. First Asian Symposium for Breast Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Taoyuan, Taiwan, May 30-31, 2009. Nipple reconstruction with modified top hat flap and cartilage graft. First Asian Symposium for Breast Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Taoyuan, Taiwan, May 30-31, 2009. Vascular Groin Lymph node transfer for postmastectomy upper extremity lymphedema. First Asian Symposium for Breast Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Taoyuan, Taiwan, May 30-31, 2009. One flap does many things in head and neck reconstruction. 1st Mayo Clinic/Chang Gung University Medical College Symposium in Reconstructive Microsurgery in Rochester, Minnesota, June 4-7, 2009. Solutions for Inadequate Venous outflow in Free Flap Breast Reconstruction. 1st Mayo Clinic/Chang Gung University Medical College Symposium in Reconstructive Microsurgery in Rochester, Minnesota, June 4-7, 2009. Management of Post-Mastectomy Upper Extremity Edema. 1st Mayo Clinic/Chang Gung University Medical College Symposium in Reconstructive Microsurgery in Rochester, Minnesota, June 4-7, 2009. The Osteomyocutaneous Peroneal Artery Combined Flap. Techniques in Flap Dissection with Cadaver Workshop Program in Dallas, Texas, July 11-12, 2009. Vascularized Groin Lymph Node Transfers for Treatment of Upper Extremity Lymphedema. Techniques in Flap Dissection with Cadaver Workshop Program in Dallas, Texas, July 11-12, 2009. Vascularized Groin Lymph Node Transfers for Treatment of Upper Extremity Lymphedema. The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer, Houston, Texas, July 13-14, 2009. Vascularized Groin Lymph Node Transfers for Treatment of Upper Extremity Lymphedema. University of South California, Los Angeles, California, July 16-17, 2009. The Osteomyocutaneous Peroneal Artery Combined Flap. University of South California, Los Angeles, California, July 16-17, 2009. Recent advances in breast reconstruction in Taiwan. The third Shenzhen conference of breast cancer in Shenzhen, China, August 27-30, 2009. Vascularized groin lymph node transfer for postmastectomy upper extremity lymphedema. The third Shenzhen Conference of Breast Cancer in Shenzhen, China, August 27-30, 2009. Vascularized groin lymph node transfer for postmastectomy upper extremity lymphedema. 2009 Taipei International Breast Cancer Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, September 12-13, 2009. Clinical research guiding the state of art in reconstructive microsurgery. 2nd European Plastic Surgery Research Council in Hamburg, Germany, August 26-29, 2010. Vascularized Groin Lymph Node Transfer for Postmastectomy Upper Limb Lymphedema. Asia Breast Cancer Collaborative Group Meeting 2010, Guangzhou International Breast Cancer Symposium in Guangzhou, China, September 3-5, 2010. The Advantage and Disadvantage of Instant and Delayed Breast Reconstruction with DIEP Flap. Asia Breast Cancer Collaborative Group Meeting 2010, Guangzhou International Breast Cancer Symposium in Guangzhou, China, September 3-5, 2010. Recent Advances of Breast Reconstruction at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. 2nd World Association of Plastic Surgeons of Chinese Descent, Taoyuan, Taiwan, October 31, 2010. Vascular Groin Lymph Node Transfer for Post Mastectomy Lymphedema. The 16th World Congress of the International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Vancouver, Canada, May 21-27, 2011. Recent advances in mandibular reconstruction at the 3rd World Congress of the International Academy of Oral Oncology (IAOO), Singapore, Singapore, July 15-17, 2011. A Strategic Approach for Tongue Reconstruction to Achieve Predictable and Improved Functional and Aesthetic Outcomes at the 3rd World Congress of the International Academy of Oral Oncology (IAOO), Singapore, Singapore, July 15-17, 2011. Vascularized LN Transfer for Lymphedema Treatment. The 4th CCH International Breast Cancer Conference, Taichung, Taiwan, August 13, 2011. Microsurgery: Tips and Tricks. 3rd European Plastic Surgery Research Council in Hamburg, Germany, August 25-28, 2011. Unilateral breast reconstruction with a DIEP flap and simultaneous contralateral breast augmentation. The 3rd Asian Symposium of Breast Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Seoul, Korea, October 7-9, 2011. New Classification of Mandibular Defect and Reconstruction. The Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons: The 2nd Research & Reconstructive Forum, Gwangju, Korea, June 1-2, 2012. New Classification of Mandibular Defects and Reconstructions. 2012 Annual Meeting and International Conference of Taiwan Head and Neck Society, Changhua, Taiwan, June 9-10, 2012. Oro-maxillary reconstruction with a microsurgical free flap. AOCMF Advances Symposium on Reconstruction, Trauma, and Tumor, Taoyuan, Taiwan, June 16-17, 2012. Simultaneous Scarless Contralateral Breast Augmentation During Unilateral Breast Reconstruction Using Bilateral Differentially Split DIEP Flaps. 2012 Taipei International Breast Cancer Symposium & International Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Symposium with the 4th Cross Strait Conference on Breast Cancer Treatment Consensus, Taipei, Taiwan, September 22, 2013. Simultaneous Scarless Contralateral Breast Augmentation During Unilateral Breast Reconstruction Using Bilateral Differentially Split DIEP Flaps. The 4th Asian Symposium of Breast Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Xi’an, China, October 12, 2013. Lower Limb Lymphedema Treatment with Vascularized Submental Lymph Nodes Flap Transfer. APAGE 2013 Laparoscopic Gynecologic Oncology Surgery & Hands-on Animal Workshop, Shanghai, China, March 21-23, 2013. Evaluation of the Effect of Vascularized Lymph Nodes Transfer on Lymphatic Drainage and Local Immune Function in an Experimental Rat Lymphedema Model. 2013 International Symposium on Surgical Treatment of Lymphedema, Taoyuan, Taiwan, April 10-20, 2013. Vascularized Groin Lymph Node Flap Transfer for Postmastectomy Upper Limb Lymphedema: The Flap Anatomy, Recipient Sites, and Outcomes. 2013 International Symposium on Surgical Treatment of Lymphedema, Taoyuan, Taiwan, April 10-20, 2013. Vascularized Submental Lymph Node Flap Transfer for the Treatment of Lower Extremity Lymphedema: Anatomical Study and Clinical Applications. 2013 International Symposium on Surgical Treatment of Lymphedema, Taoyuan, Taiwan, April 10-20, 2013. Vascularized lymph node flap transfer. Department of Plastic Surgery, MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC, USA. February 6, 2014. Simultaneous Contralateral augmentation during unilateral breast reconstruction with differentially split DIEP Flaps. Department of Plastic Surgery, MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC, USA. February 6, 2014. Tricks, Tips, and Pearls for head and neck reconstruction. Department of Plastic Surgery, MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC, USA. February 6, 2014. Submental lymph node transplantation for lymphedema. Research and Surgical Perspectives in Lymphedema, Brussel, Belgium, March 3, 2014. Vascularized lymph nodes flaps for lymphedema - Taiwan style. 3rd International Symposium on Lymphedema Surgical Treatment, Barcelona, Spin. March 5, 2014. Vascularized lymph node transfer for upper and lower limbs lymphedema - recipient site selection and mechanism. The 2nd Meeting of Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Reconstructive Microsurgery (APFSRM) 2014, Buyeo, Korea. July 4, 2014. Salvage of venous congested DIEP Flap. The 5th International Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Symposium, Guangzhou, China, September 19, 2014. Simultaneous contralateral breast augmentation with unilateral breast reconstruction with a DIEP flap. The 5th International Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Symposium, Guangzhou, China, September 20, 2014. Vascularized Lymph Node Flap for Breast Cancer-related Lymphedema a. The 5th International Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Symposium, Guangzhou, China, September 20, 2014. Redefining the Future of ASBPRS. The 6th Asian Symposium for Breast Reconstructive Surgery, Bali, Indonesia, October 20, 2014. Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer for Upper and Lower Limbs Lymphedema—Recipient Site Selection and Mechanism. The 6th Asian Symposium for Breast Reconstructive Surgery, Bali, Indonesia, October 21, 2014. The Aesthetic Refinement of Breast Reconstructive. The 6th Asian Symposium for Breast Reconstructive Surgery, Bali, Indonesia, October 21, 2014. Vascularized lymph node flap transfer for treatment of lymphedema. The 4th Congress of the World Association for Plastic Surgeons of Chinese Descent, November 7, 2014. Superficial inferior epigastric artery perforator flap (SIEA) with Superficial circumflex iliac artery perforator flap (SCIA), Duke Breast Perforator FLAP Course, February 28 to March 1, 2015. Vascularize Lymph Node Flap Transfer for Upper and Lower Limb Lymphedema. The 58th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Kyoto, Japan. April 8 to 10, 2015. Master Course: Breast Reconstruction. 2015 Mevos International Congress of Aesthetic Surgery, Dalian, China, July 25 – 26, 2015 Patient Safety, SNQ, and International Medical Services. 2015 Mevos International Congress of Aesthetic Surgery, Dalian, China, July 25 – 26, 2015 Taiwan-Style Breast Reconstruction. The 18th Reach to Recovery International Breast Cancer Support Conference, September 6 – 9, 2015. Submental Lymph Node Transfer. The Chicago Breast & Lymphedema Symposium, Chicago, Illinois, September 19 – 20, 2015 The Mechanism of Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer for Lymphedema – Natural Lymphatico-Venous Drainage. The 5th World Symposium for Lymphedema Surgery, Chang Gung Linkou Medical Center, Taoyuan, April 27 – 29, 2016. Recent advances in Asian breast reconstruction. The Asian Society for Breast Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Inaugural Meeting and Instructional Course, Taiwan, Chang Gung Linkou Medical Center, Taoyuan, April 30, 2016. Recent Advances in Lower Limb Lymphedema, The 17th Asia-Pacific Association for Gynecologic Endoscopy and Minimally Invasive Therapy (APAGE) Annual Congress 2016, Taipei International Convention Center, Taiwan, November 4 – 6, 2016. Vascularized lymph nodes flap transfers for upper and lower limbs lymphedema, the Orange County Society of Plastic Surgeons meeting, Los Angles, USA, November 7, 2016. LYMPH NODE TRANSPLANT- Groin/Submental, The first annual Lymphedema Symposium at BIDMC/Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA, November 3, 2017. Breast Cancer-related Lymphedema and Surgical Treatment. Hefei, Anhui, China, December 30, 2017. Submental LNT, WSRM/ASLS Joint Symposium on Lymphatic Surgery, January 12, 2018. Lymphedema Grading and Treatment, Hangzhou, Zheijian, China, March 17, 2018. Quality of life improvement by breast reconstruction, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, May 19, 2018. Breast Cancer-related Lymphedema Grading and Surgical Treatment, Changsha, Hunan, China, May 25, 2018. Recent trends in Asian breast reconstruction using free tissue transfer, The 2018 annual meeting of Asian Society for Breast Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Taiwan, Chang Gung Linkou Medical Center, Taoyuan, June 2, 2018. TAPA breast augmentation, The 2018 annual meeting of Asian Society for Breast Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Taiwan, Chang Gung Linkou Medical Center, Taoyuan, June 2, 2018. Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer for Treatment of Lymphedema, 1st Annual USC Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Lymphedema and Related Disorders Symposium, June 9, 2018. Vascularized lymph node flap transfer for extremity lymphedema, Suzhou, Zhejiang, China, August 18, 2018. Patient selection and indication for lymphedema microsurgery, International Istanbul Breast Cancer Conference - BREASTANBUL 2018, Istanbul, Turkey, October 11, 2018. Outcome of lymphedema microsurgery, International Istanbul Breast Cancer Conference - BREASTANBUL 2018, Istanbul, Turkey, October 11, 2018. Taiwan Lymphoscintigraphy Staging. 2nd Annual Lymphedema Symposium in Boston hosted by BIDMC/Harvard Medical School, November 2, 2018. Outcomes of Lymphedema Microsurgery for Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema. The sixth Breast Cancer Symposium-USC, LA, USA, January 26, 2019. ASRM/ASLS: Innovations in Lymphatic Surgery. 2019 American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Palm spring, USA. February 2, 2019. Patient selection and indication of lymphedema surgery. Lymphedema Surgery and the Clinical Application of Supermicrosurgery, Hong Kong, February 15, 2019. Mechanism of vascularized lymph node transfer. Lymphedema Surgery and the Clinical Application of Supermicrosurgery, Hong Kong, February 15, 2019. The outcome of lymphedema surgery. Lymphedema Surgery and the Clinical Application of Supermicrosurgery, Hong Kong, February 15, 2019. DIEP Flap for Breast Reconstruction in Thin Patients. Lymphedema Surgery and the Clinical Application of Supermicrosurgery, Hong Kong, February 16, 2019. Lipofilling. Pre-conference Workshops, the Second International Multidisciplinary Breast Conference, Dubai, UAE, February 21, 2019. One-stage direct-to-implant immediate breast reconstruction. Pre-conference Workshops, the Second International Multidisciplinary Breast Conference, Dubai, UAE, February 21, 2019. DIEP flap for breast reconstruction. Pre-conference Workshops, the Second International Multidisciplinary Breast Conference, Dubai, UAE, February 21, 2019. Management Lymphedema. The Second International Multidisciplinary Breast Conference, Dubai, UAE, February 23, 2019. Breast reconstruction. The Second International Multidisciplinary Breast Conference, Dubai, UAE, February 23, 2019. Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer: Techniques and Outcomes. 2nd Annual USC Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Lymphedema and Related Disorders Symposium, Santa Monica, USA, June 8, 2019. Patient Selection and Outcome of Lymphedema Microsurgery. The 49th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Plastic and Reconstructive Society (SPCPRE), Porto, Portugal, November 8, 2019. Extracranial-Intracranial Arterial Bypass. The 49th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Plastic and Reconstructive Society (SPCPRE), Porto, Portugal, November 8, 2019. Tricks, Tips and Pearls of Head and Neck Reconstruction, Buncke Clinic Virtual Visiting Professor, Webinar, May 9, 2020. Recent Advances in Lymphedema Microsurgery at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Buncke Clinic Virtual Visiting Professor, Webinar, May 30, 2020. Simultaneous Unilateral Breast Reconstruction and Contralateral Augmentation Mammoplasty, IMC Webinar lecture, July 18, 2020. Lymph node transfer. 2020 Duke Virtual Flap Course Track 1, Webinar, August 1, 2020. Lymphedema Microsurgery, UCLA Resident Lecture, Webinar, August 11, 2020. Video session of Surgery: Submental VLNT. Chicago Breast & World Lymphedema Surgery Symposium, Webinar, April 24, 2021. Vascularized lymph node flap transfer for Lymphedema- mechanism and outcome, The 5th Congress of Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Webinar, Dec 01, 2021. Innovations in Lymphedema Treatment, 3rd Annual USC Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Lymphedema and Related Disorders Symposium, Webinar, Jun 26, 2022. Outcome and Mechanism of Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer, 9th World Congress of Biomechanics, Webinar, Jul 12, 2022. Reconstructions in oral cancer, The AAO-HNSF Global Grand Rounds-Contemporary Management of Oral Cancer, Webinar, July 30, 2022. Outcomes and Mechanism of Vascularized Lymph Node Flap Transfer, LYMPHOCON 2022, Webinar, Sep 23, 2022. Outcomes and Updates on Lymphedema microsurgery, 2022 NLN-Cleveland Clinic Conference, Cleveland, USA, Nov 18, 2022. Submental Lymph Node Transfer, 2022 NLN-Cleveland Clinic Conference, Cleveland, USA, Nov 19, 2022. Keynote lecture: Recent Advances in Lymphedema Treatment, The 10th World Symposium for Lymphedema surgery, Taiwan, A+ Surgery Clinic, Taipei, April 24, 2024. Vascularized groin lymph node transfer for postmastectomy lymphedema. Panel: Surgical options, techniques and outcomes for postoperative extremity lymphedema, with David Chang, and Isao Koshima. 2010 Annual Scientific Meeting, American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Boca Raton, Florida, January 11, 2010. Penalist, Scientific session: Head & Neck. 2nd European Plastic Surgery Research Council, Hamburg, Germany, August 27, 2010. Penalist, Post mastectomy lymphedema – does anything work? American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Toronto, Canada, October 5, 2010. Penalist, Symposium: Head and Neck. 2nd World Association of Plastic Surgeons of Chinese Descent, Taoyuan, Taiwan, Oct 30, 2010. Moderator, Symposium: Flap Related. 2nd World Association of Plastic Surgeons of Chinese Descent, Taoyuan, Taiwan, Oct 31, 2010. Penalist, Lymphedema treatment. American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery in Cancun, Mexico, January 17, 2011. Penalist. Lymphedema. The 16th World Congress of the International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Vancouver, Canada, May 21-27, 2011. Moderator, The application of the ALT flap in the head and neck reconstruction. 2011 Annual Meeting & International Conference of Taiwan Head and Neck Society, July 9-10, 2011. Penalist, Scientific Session: Reconstruction I. 3rd European Plastic Suregery Research Council, Hamburg, Germany, August 26, 2011. Moderator, Breast. 2011 Chang Gung Mayo Clinic Symposium in Reconstructive Surgery, the W Hotel and Chang Gung Linkou Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan, October 27-30, 2011. Moderator, Oncoplastic Strategies and Techniques. 2012 Taipei International Breast Cancer Symposium & International Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Symposium with the 4th Cross Strait Conference on Breast Cancer Treatment Consensus, Taipei, Taiwan, September 22, 2013. Moderator, The Evolving Partnership of Breast Reconstruction and Radiation: Does it Work? 2012 Taipei International Breast Cancer Symposium & International Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Symposium with the 4th Cross Strait Conference on Breast Cancer Treatment Consensus, Taipei, Taiwan, September 22, 2013. Moderator, Breast Reconstruction. The 4th Asian Symposium of Breast Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Xi’an, China, October 12, 2013. Panelist, DIEP Flap Complications. The 3rd World Congress for Plastic Surgeons of Chinese Descent, Xi’an, China, October 13, 2013. Moderator, Breast Reconstruction (II). The 3rd World Congress for Plastic Surgeons of Chinese Descent, Xi’an, China, October 13, 2013. Panelist, Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer for the Treatment of Lymphedema: Controversies in Safety and Efficacy. American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Naples, Florida. January 12-15, 2013. Moderator, Mandible resection and reconstruction in oral cancer surgery, 2013 Annual meeting & international conference of Taiwan head and neck society, Tainan, Taiwan. May 4-5, 2013. Moderator, Vascular Lymph Node Transfer – I. 2013 International Symposium on Surgical Treatment of Lymphedema, Taoyuan, Taiwan, April 10-20, 2013. Moderator, Oral Presentation Section 4. 2013 International Symposium on Surgical Treatment of Lymphedema, Taoyuan, Taiwan, April 10-20, 2013. Moderator, Breast IV Section. 2013 World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Chicago, Illinois. July 11-13, 2013. Panelist, Brest V Section. 2013 World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Chicago, Illinois. July 11-13, 2013. Panelist, Head & Neck V Section. New Classification of Mandibular Defects and Related Reconstruction. 2013 World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Chicago, Illinois. July 11-13, 2013. Panelist, Lymphedema Section. Lymph Node Transfer: Taiwan Style. 2013 World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Chicago, Illinois. July 11-13, 2013. Panelist, New Technologies in Lymphedema 2013 American Society of Plastic Surgeons, San Diego, California, October 11-15, 2013. Panelist, Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer: Taiwan Style. American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Kauai, Hawaii. January 11-14, 2014. Panelist, Midface Panel - Breakout Panel. Maxilla reconstruction. American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Kauai, Hawaii. January 11-14, 2014. Moderator, Pathophysiology of Lymphedema: current evidence. 3rd International Symposium on Lymphedema Surgical Treatment, Barcelona, Spin. March 5, 2014. Moderator, Plenary Lecture. The 2nd Meeting of Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Reconstructive Microsurgery (APFSRM), Buyeo, Korea, July 4, 2014. Panelist, The Versatility of the Workhorse ALT Flap in Plastic Surgery. 2014 The Plastic Surgery Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, October 11, 2014. Panelist, Lymph node Transfer in the Breast Cancer Patient. 2014 The Plastic Surgery Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, October 14, 2014. Moderator, Best Practice of Breast Conserving Surgery and Reconstruction. The 6th Asian Symposium for Breast Reconstructive Surgery, Bali, Indonesia, October 21, 2014. Panelist, Decision Making in Lymphatic Surgery. 2015 American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas. January 24, 2015. Panelist, American Society of Lymphatic Surgery Scientific Session. 2015 American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas. January 26, 2015. Panelist, Master Class: Lymphedema. 2015 World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Mumbai, India. March 19 – 22, 2015. Panelist, PDA9 Outcomes in Breast Reconstruction: - Aesthetics & Efficiency. 2015 World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Mumbai, India. March 19 – 22, 2015. Panelist, Training in Microsurgery Part 2 (International Fellowships), World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Mumbai, India. March 19 – 22, 2015. Panelist, Taiwan section. The 30th anniversary of the Korean Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (KSAPS), Seoul, Korea. March 28 – 29, 2015. Panelist, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Breast in Asians: Present and Future. 2015 Mevos International Congress of Aesthetic Surgery, Dalian, China, July 25 – 26, 2015 Panelist, Breast Reconstruction. 2015 Mevos International Congress of Aesthetic Surgery, Dalian, China, July 25 – 26, 2015 Moderator, Breast Reconstruction. 2015 Mevos International Congress of Aesthetic Surgery, Dalian, China, July 25 – 26, 2015 Panelist, Breast Reduction and Mastopexy. 2015 Mevos International Congress of Aesthetic Surgery, Dalian, China, July 25 – 26, 2015 Moderator, Surgical Treatment of Lymphedema. The Chicago Breast & Lymphedema Symposium, Chicago, Illinois, September 19 – 20, 2015 Panelist, Lymph Node Transfer: How & Why I Do It This Way. The Chicago Breast & Lymphedema Symposium, Chicago, Illinois, September 19 – 20, 2015. Panelist, Perineal Reconstruction, Hear from the experts on pelvic and perineal reconstruction. Learn what complications to anticipate and clinical pearls; what works best in their hands. 2015 The Plastic Surgery Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, October 15 – 20, 2015. Panelist, Decision Making in Lymphatic Surgery. 2016 American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA. January 16, 2016. Panelist, Lymphatic Surgery: Which Operation for Whom? 2016 American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA. January 19, 2016. Panelist, Lymphedema: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know? American Association of Plastic Surgeons and Plastic Surgery Research Council Joint Meeting, New York, USA, May 19 – 22, 2016 Panelist, What’s New in Lymphatic Surgery. The Chicago Breast & Lymphedema Symposium, Chicago, Illinois, September 16-17, 2016 Panelist, Lymphedema 1: Knowns and unknowns in lymphatic surgery: Masters' perspectives, 9th Congress of World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Seoul, Korea, June 16, 2017. Panelist, Education in Microsurgery, 9th Congress of World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Seoul, Korea, June 17, 2017. Panelist, Contralateral Breast and Oncoplastic Surgery, Combined Meeting of the 14th Asan Plastic Surgery Symposium and Korean Academic Association of Breast Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Seoul, Korea, June 18, 2017. Panelist, Imaging – How I Do It, The first annual Lymphedema Symposium at BIDMC/Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA, November 4, 2017. Panelist, An Algorithmic Approach to Deciding which Lymphedema Surgery a Patient Needs, 2018 American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. January 14, 2018. Moderator, Pre & Postop Care for Lymphedema Surgery, The Chicago Breast Symposium and 7th World Symposium on Lymphedema Surgery, Chicago, Illinois, April 26, 2018. Panelist, Lymphedema Surgery II, The Chicago Breast Symposium and 7th World Symposium on Lymphedema Surgery, Chicago, Illinois, April 27, 2018. Panelist, Changes in Lymphedema Surgery Over Time, The Chicago Breast Symposium and 7th World Symposium on Lymphedema Surgery, Chicago, Illinois, April 27, 2018. Moderator, Best salvage and best case, The 2018 annual meeting of Asian Society for Breast Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Taiwan, Chang Gung Linkou Medical Center, Taoyuan, June 2, 2018. Panelist, Lymphedema Management, International Istanbul Breast Cancer Conference - BREASTANBUL 2018, Istanbul, Turkey, October 13, 2018. Panelist, Reconstruction: Flap Reconstructions, International Istanbul Breast Cancer Conference - BREASTANBUL 2018, Istanbul, Turkey, October 13, 2018 Moderator, Master Class 4: Kotaro Yoshimura. International Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Kaoshiung, Taiwan. October 27, 2018. Moderator, Microsurgery (I). 6th WAPSCD & 2018 APPRS & Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Plastic Surgery, Taipei, Taiwan. November 29, 2018. Moderator, Lymphedema Updates, Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Taipei, Taiwan. January 12, 2019. Moderator, Lymphedema Surgery and the Clinical Application of Supermicrosurgery, Hong Kong, February 15, 2019. Panelist, Case Presentations and Panel Discussions-Expert Panel. Lymphedema Surgery and the Clinical Application of Supermicrosurgery, Hong Kong, February 15, 2019. Moderator, Lymphedema Surgery and the Clinical Application of Supermicrosurgery, Hong Kong, February 16, 2019. Moderator, Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Surgical Association, Taipei, Taiwan, March 17, 2019. Panelist, Surgical Technique and Outcomes of Variable Donor Lymph Node Flaps, the 8th World Symposium for Lymphedema surgery, Taiwan, Chang Gung Linkou Medical Center, Taoyuan, April 25, 2019. Moderator, Keynote Lecture, the 8th World Symposium for Lymphedema surgery, Taiwan, Chang Gung Linkou Medical Center, Taoyuan, April 25, 2019. Moderator, Annual Meeting of the Asian Society of Breast Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Taiwan, Chang Gung Linkou Medical Center, Taoyuan, April 28, 2019. Moderator. 2nd Annual USC Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Lymphedema and Related Disorders Symposium, Santa Monica, USA, June 8, 2019. Panelist, Lymphoedema, 10th Congress of World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Bologna, Italy, June 13, 2019. Panelist, Current trends in head & neck soft tissue reconstruction, 10th Congress of World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Bologna, Italy, June 13, 2019. Panelist, New technology Head & neck reconstruction in the next decennium: innovation, arts, and controversies. 10th Congress of World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Bologna, Italy, June 15, 2019. Panelist, “What’s New in Lymphedema Surgery”: My Current Approach & Why. 2020 American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA. January 10, 2020. Moderator. Extracranial– Intracranial Bypass. 2020 American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA. January 12, 2020. Moderator: Breakout panel, Lymphedema Q & A, 2020 Duke Virtual Flap Course Track 1, Webinar, August 1, 2020. Panelist, “EDUCATIONAL SESSION: Improving the current surgical techniques”: Vascularized lymph node flap: How and when? Submental, the 9th World Symposium on Lymphedema Surgery (9th WSLS, HYBERWSLS), online, October 6, 2020. Panelist, “CONTROVERSY SESSION: Postoperative management”: What is my protocol, the 9th World Symposium on Lymphedema Surgery (9th WSLS, HYBERWSLS), online, October 6, 2020. Moderator, Patient Selection and Outcomes in Lymphedema Surgery, Virtual Plastic Surgery The Meeting, Live Stream, October 16, 2020. Panelist, “ASLS/ASRM LYMPHATIC SURGERY UPDATE”, ASRM Virtual Symposium, Live Stream, January 15, 2021. Moderator: Pre and Postop management, Chicago Breast & World Lymphedema Surgery Symposium, Webinar, April 23, 2021. Panelist, “Reconstructive Surgery”, The International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies Virtual World Tour,I, Zone 4 (East Asia & Oceania), Webinar, July 31, 2021. Panelist, “How to read an ICG lymphangiography”, London Breast Meeting, Parallel Session 1B: Imaging for Microsurgeons, Webinar, Sep 01, 2021. Panelist, “Summary of the 9th World Symposium on Lymphoedema Surgery” London Breast Meeting, What is New in Lymphoedema? Webinar, Sep 02, 2021. Moderator: Mammaplasty Forum 2 , 2021 Taiwan Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery International Annual Meeting, Taipei Taiwan, Oct 03, 2021. Panelist, “Recent Advanced in Breast Reconstruction and lymphedema,” 8th Global Chinese Breast Cancer Organizations Alliance Conference, Webinar, Oct 09, 2021. Demand Panel: What is the Ideal Reconstructed Breast? An International Perspective, 2021 The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) On, Webinar, Oct 22, 2021 BLS panel: Lymph Node Transplants: How do they work? Boston Lymphatic Symposium, Webinar, Nov 06, 2021 Panelist, “Lymphedema Surgery”, World Association for Plastic Surgeons of Chinese Descent, Webinar, Nov 18, 2021 Moderator: Video and Lecture:講師術前講解術式設計, Taiwan Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Jan 16, 2022. Moderator: Unedited Video Demo:包含術前設計、術中技術示範與講解, Taiwan Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Jan 16, 2022. Panelist, “Enhancing Lymphatic Drainage by Nanofibrillar Collagen Scaffold”, Lymphedema Summit held by the Department of Plastic Surgery, Stanford University, Webinar, Jan 23, 2022. 104. Moderator, Conference VIP Lecture, 2022 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Surgical Association, Taipei, Taiwan, Mar 13, 2022 105. Panelist, “Outcomes of vascularized lymph node transfer in primary and secondary Lymphedema”, Techniques & outcomes of VLNT: when and how?, Update Symposium on Lymphedema Surgery, Webinar, Apr 25, 2022. 106. Panel, “How My Surgical Approach/ Technique have Been Changed Over Time?”, The World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Webinar, Jun 4, 2022. 107. Panel, Approach and Outcomes for Vascularized Lymph Node Transplant”, 8th International Breast Surgery workshop & 4th World Consensus Conference on BIA-ALCL, Webinar, Sep 30, 2022. 108. Panel, “Delayed Lymphatic Reconstruction-LNT”, Plastic Surgery The Meeting, On-Demand, Webinar, Oct 22, 2022. 109. Panel, “Outcome and mechanism of vascularized lymph node transfer”, Surgical treatment in lymphology, 3rd Vienna Lymphology Symposium, Vinna Austria, Nov 26, 2022. 110. Moderator, Invited Speech, 2022 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Plastic Surgery(TSPS), Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 17, 2022. 111. Moderator, Keynote Lecture I, The 10th World Symposium for Lymphedema surgery, Taiwan, A+ Surgery Clinic, Taipei, April 23, 2024. 112. Moderator, Keynote Lecture II, The 10th World Symposium for Lymphedema surgery, Taiwan, A+ Surgery Clinic, Taipei, April 23, 2024. 113. Debate Panel I, “Single Malt Whisky Versus Cocktail”, Staged Procedures, The 10th World Symposium for Lymphedema surgery, Taiwan, A+ Surgery Clinic, Taipei, April 24, 2024. 114. Panel, “Long-term Outcomes: What is the Best?”, The 10th World Symposium for Lymphedema surgery, Taiwan, A+ Surgery Clinic, Taipei, April 24, 2024. 115. Debate Panel II, “LVA Versus VLNT”, The 10th World Symposium for Lymphedema surgery, Taiwan, A+ Surgery Clinic, Taipei, April 24, 2024. 116. Moderator, LE&RN Testimony, The 10th World Symposium for Lymphedema surgery, Taiwan, A+ Surgery Clinic, Taipei, April 24, 2024. NEW! Vascularized Lymph Node Flap Transfer for Upper and Lower Limb Lymphedema. 2013 American Society of Plastic Surgeons, San Diego, California, October 11-15, 2013. Monitoring Patient-Centered Outcomes Through the Progression of Breast Reconstruction: A Multi-Centered Prospective Longitudinal Evaluation. 2013 American Society of Plastic Surgeons, San Diego, California, October 11-15, 2013. Lymph node transfer Chang Gung Style. 2013 American Society of Plastic Surgeons, San Diego, California, October 11-15, 2013. Lymph node Transfer - Breast Applications. 2014 The Plastic Surgery Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, October 14, 2014. Vascularized Lymph Node Flap Transfer for Upper and Lower Limb Lymphedema. 2014 The Plastic Surgery Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, October 14, 2014. Vascularized Lymph Node Flap Transfer for Upper and Lower Limb Lymphedema. 2015 The Plastic Surgery Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, October 16, 2015. Lymph node Transfer - Breast Applications. 2015 The Plastic Surgery Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, October 17, 2015. Advanced lymphatic surgery: How I do it. 9th Congress of World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Seoul, Korea, June 16, 2017. Supermicrosurgery hands-on course, the Department of Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou, Taiwan, May 5, 2018. Supermicrosurgery hands-on course, the Department of Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou, Taiwan, November 17, 2018. Supermicrosurgery hands-on course, the Department of Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou, Taiwan, November 24, 2018. Planning 3D reconstruction in craniofacial surgery, (lecture topic: 3D Planning for EC-IC Arterial Bypass), 10th Congress of World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Bologna, Italy, June 13, 2019. Current Surgical Approach for Upper Extremity Lymphedema, 2020 American Association for Hand Surgery Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA. January 10, 2020. Workshop: Sewing with the masters, 3rd Vienna Lymphology Symposium, Vinna Austria, Nov 25, 2022. Workshop: Sewing with the masters, 3rd Vienna Lymphology Symposium, Vinna Austria, Nov 26, 2022. Co-chairman, 8th World Symposium for Lymphedema surgery International Workshop or Live Surgery (Live Surgery) Vascularized Submental Lymph Node Transfer, the 8th World Symposium for Lymphedema surgery, Taiwan, Chang Gung Linkou Medical Center, Taoyuan, April 25

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    五星好評推薦 感謝每一位來到安德森的朋友 你們的回饋是我們前進的動力,我們會持續將最好的醫療服務帶給各位 素人美麗見證 選擇安德森後,她們都重新蛻變 希望與大家分享這份喜悅 隆乳+縮乳頭 案例分享 從小就是個小胸人,一直到懷孕哺乳,才體會到什麼叫胸🤣。 產後為了減肥,把剩餘僅存的胸(脂肪)都減掉了(哭哭)。 看著自己的身材慘不忍睹,進而開始尋求中醫豐胸,花了不少錢。 精神睡眠是有好一點,但胸部一點進展都沒有😭。 意外從網路得知一些隆乳的資訊,就開始做些功課。 除了上網查些相關資料,還有Line的社群可以詢問。 從開始諮詢到決定手術時間很快,因為我怕我後悔就不敢做了 既然有想法就趕快速速決定。 預防性切除+義乳重建案例分享 18歲時知道自己有BRCA1,就一直周旋醫院 每年都要去和信治癌中心追蹤 照波 粗針切片 這一來一回的好多年就這樣過去 原本其實一直想著40歲再切除 鄭教授的淋巴顯微手術,術後不需再穿壓力衣 淋巴水腫案例分享 自然、永久、美觀,健康窈窕再現 乳房重建案例分享

  • About us | 安德森整形外科診所

    鄭明輝 院長 乳房重建及淋巴水腫權威 亞洲第一位引進及執行自體組織乳房重建技術 全球乳癌相關診斷分級、顯微手術發明者 世界排名前2%頂尖科學家、知名整形外科聖手 乳房重建手術就像移花接木,雖然手術繁瑣,但看到患者術後人生由黑白變彩色,成就感難以言喻。 -鄭明輝院長 認識鄭明輝院長:淋巴水腫領域 接受鄭教授的淋巴水腫顯微手術後,完全不需再穿戴壓力衣鄭明輝教授是經過國際專業認可的整形外科專科醫師,同時也是美國重建顯微外科學會2006年Godina獎得主,是第一位亞洲整形外科醫師得獎者。截至目前為止,鄭教授已經完成了2100多例顯微手術,包括頭頸部重建,乳房重建,顱內外動脈血管吻合手術,淋巴管靜脈吻合術和顯微淋巴結皮瓣移植手術。 接受鄭教授的淋巴水腫顯微手術後,完全不需再穿戴壓力衣鄭明輝教授是經過國際專業認可的整形外科專科醫師,同時也是美國重建顯微外科學會2006年Godina獎得主,是第一位亞洲整形外科醫師得獎者。截至目前為止,鄭教授已經完成了2100多例顯微手術,包括頭頸部重建,乳房重建,顱內外動脈血管吻合手術,淋巴管靜脈吻合術和顯微淋巴結皮瓣移植手術。 認識鄭明輝院長:乳房重建領域 國內每年約新增16,000名乳癌患者,乳房切除後重建比率卻不到5%,鄭明輝院長20多年前投入內視鏡乳房重建領域,至今已幫助超過1000多名失去乳房的女性重建乳房、找回自信。乳房重建手術就像「移花接木」,雖然手術繁瑣,但看到患者術後人生從黑白變彩色,成就感難以言喻。 1998年,受時任長庚大學醫學院長魏福全教授指派,到美國安德森癌症中心專研乳房重建,行前還叮嚀:「務必成為亞洲頂尖的乳房重建權威!」經過1年2個月的研習帶回許多新觀念、技術,不負期待,更首創獨步全球的「深下腹動脈穿通枝皮瓣術」,拿取患者的腹部脂肪用於乳房重建,改善傳統鹽水袋重建乳房的異物感,還有豐胸、對稱的效果,這項創新手術已發表在國際權威期刊《整形與重建外科手術》上。

  • Cheng Lymphedema Grading Systems | 安德森整形外科診所

    Cheng Lymphedema Grading Systems Say Goodbye to Compression Garments after Dr. Cheng's Lymphedema Microsurgery Lymphedema Grading Systems Using physical exam findings, history of disease and imaging modalities, several classification schemes have been proposed to stage lymphedema. Perhaps the most widely used is the International Society of Lymphology staging system. But this staging system is based only the clinical symptoms, but no objective measurement or imaging assessment. As our understanding of lymphedema has evolved and technologies improved, other staging systems based on clinical presentation, circumferential measurements, objective measurements, lymphatic imaging or a combination thereof have been proposed. Effective and precise treatment A system adopted by the world At our center, we use the Cheng Lymphedema Grading system based on symptom severity, circumferential difference, and lymphoscintigraphy imaging to determine appropriate treatment, which was published on the Annals of Surgical Oncology, a renowned journal: A Prospective Evaluation of Lymphedema-Specific Quality-of-Life Outcomes Following Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer. (Patel KM, Lin CY, Cheng MH.) and book: Principles and Practice of Lymphedema Surgery. Cheng MH, Chang DW, Patel KM (Editors). Elsevier Inc, Oxford, United Kingdom. ISBN: 978-0-323-29897-1. July 2015. Cheng Lymphedema Grading Upper Extremity 資料來源: Principles and Practice of Lymphedema Surgery. Cheng MH, Chang DW, Patel KM (Editors). Elsevier Inc, Oxford, United Kingdom. ISBN: 978-0-323-29897-1. July 2015, page 204. Lower Extremity 資料來源: Principles and Practice of Lymphedema Surgery. Cheng MH, Chang DW, Patel KM (Editors). Elsevier Inc, Oxford, United Kingdom. ISBN: 978-0-323-29897-1. July 2015, page 204. Novel Taiwan Lymphoscintigraphy Staging System Dr. Cheng is the author of the Cheng Lymphedema Grading System with integration of Taiwan Lymphoscintigraphy Staging which was published in Annals of Surgery (the top Surgery Journal) in July 2018. The Cheng Lymphedema Grading System with integration of Taiwan Lymphoscintigraphy Staging, a comprehensive objective assessment tool that analyzes lymphedema symptoms with quantitative measurements and advanced imaging technology, can effectively help physicians evaluate the severity of lymphatic obstructions, determine the accurate diagnosis, select the most appropriate procedures to treat lymphedema, and ultimately ensure the favorable functional outcome and finest quality of life for lymphedema patients. Taiwan Lymphoscintigraphy Staging Data source: Cheng MH, Pappalardo M, Lin C, Kuo CF, Lin CY, Chung KC. Validity of the Novel Taiwan Lymphoscintigraphy Staging and Correlation of Cheng LymphedemaGrading for Unilateral Extremity Lymphedema. Ann Surg. 2018 Sep;268(3):513-525 Data source: Cheng MH, Pappalardo M, Lin C, Kuo CF, Lin CY, Chung KC. Validity of the Novel Taiwan Lymphoscintigraphy Staging and Correlation of Cheng LymphedemaGrading for Unilateral Extremity Lymphedema. Ann Surg. 2018 Sep;268(3):513-525 Partial obstruction Total obstruction Recommended reading journal A Prospective Evaluation of Lymphedema-Specific Quality-of-Life Outcomes Following Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer. Patel KM, Lin CY, Cheng MH. Ann Surg Oncol. 2015 Jul;22(7):2424-30 Validity of the Novel Taiwan Lymphoscintigraphy Staging and Correlation of Cheng LymphedemaGrading for Unilateral Extremity Lymphedema. Cheng MH, Pappalardo M, Lin C, Kuo CF, Lin CY, Chung KC. Ann Surg. 2018 Sep;268(3):513-525.

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